Aspire Blog

Our Lab is top in the Donor Egg Bank USA Network

Posted in San Antonio Metro on December 31st, 2013

Thanks to our lab directors, Tony Anderson and Tiffini Gibson, both of our labs are top in the Donor Egg Bank USA network.

We are proud to be a part of the Donor Egg Bank USA Network, as we receive and have access to some of the highest quality eggs available in the United States.

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a process in which the eggs of a young, healthy woman (donor) are combined with sperm in the laboratory via in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus of the recipient. Egg donation is a viable option for women who may be at risk of passing on a genetic condition or who face ovary function or egg production issues.

Our team of experienced providers, nurses and counselors can help women and couples explore this option, and determine whether egg donation is the right approach for you.

Initial consultations for potential egg recipients involve:

  • Reviewing your medical history
  • Comprehensive review of the egg donation and recipient process
  • Complete physical examination
  • Extensive evaluation of your financial considerations and options

The RMA of Texas complementary care staff can answer any and all questions you may have at any time during the process.

Who Are the Egg Donors?

Egg donors come from one of three sources:

1) Anonymous donors identified and screened by RMA of Tecas 2) Anonymous donors identified through a commercial service 3) Known donors identified by the patient (family member, friend)

Women who participate in RMATX’s Transforming Lives is Conceivable (TLC) as anonymous donors must undergo an extensive medical, genetic and psychological screening process using standards established by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

Couples who choose an anonymous donor through our program will have their name placed on a waiting list until a suitable match becomes available. When a donor becomes available, the recipient will receive a full report on the candidate. You can choose not to accept a donor for any reason without compromising your position on the wait list.


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