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Common Myths and Misconceptions About Male Fertility

Posted on August 29th, 2024

Deciding to grow your family is exciting, but there’s no denying that it’s also a little scary, especially with how much misinformation is out there. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths surrounding fertility, and especially male fertility, that can make trying for a baby even more challenging. Let’s debunk some common myths and misconceptions about male fertility so you can grow your family confidently and get the proper help if you need it.

1. Infertility Is Always a Female Issue

It’s a common myth that fertility problems stem from the female partner. However, female factor infertility accounts for one-third of all cases, male factor infertility also accounts for one-third of all cases, and the remaining one-third stems from a combination of both or unknown factors.

2. Male Fertility Doesn’t Decline With Age

While it’s true that men can produce sperm for their entire lives and potentially father a child at any age, male fertility declines after the age of 40. This is because sperm quality decreases over time.

3. Tight Underwear or Pants Can Impact Male Fertility

Besides being uncomfortable, wearing tight-fitting underwear or pants can increase the scrotal temperature. For fertility purposes, the scrotal temperature should be three to four degrees below the normal human body temperature (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Even so, there is no scientific evidence to support that tight clothing causes male factor infertility.

4. If a Man Has Fathered Children Before, He Can’t Be Infertile

Just because a man has fathered children in the past, it doesn't mean he can't experience fertility issues related to age, health, or other factors.

5. All Men With Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Are Infertile

ED conditions do not cause infertility. However, ED can be linked to infertility depending on what’s causing it.

6. Male Infertility Is Always a Permanent Condition

There are ways to treat male infertility. From making healthy lifestyle choices to improve sperm quality to undergoing medical treatments like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), a male with fertility issues can achieve their family-building goals.

Learn the Truth About Male Infertility and Available Treatment Options

Addressing male infertility starts with having a knowledgeable and supportive fertility team on your side. At Aspire Fertility, our reproductive specialists provide the highest standard of care to patients. We use advanced fertility techniques and technology to diagnose infertility and create a customized treatment plan to help grow your family. Contact us today for more information about male fertility or to schedule an appointment with our expert team.

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